Leading agency: | SCARTOFF |
Area(s) of intervention: | Barletta – Apulia |
Total budget: | € 30.000 |
NOPLANETB contribution: | € 30.000 |
Duration: | 12 months |
Starting date: | 1st of October 2019 |
Contacts: | michelina.roc@gmail.com |
Summary of the project
The project called LOOP aims to prevent and reduce waste with different activities to attract interest about environmental issue for the public and private sectors of the Comune of Barletta. The goal will be to stimulate and involve the new generations in an awareness raising project on the good practice about the environment, and to recommend eco-design solutions as an answer to the waste production problem. A key role will be played by the Graphic and Design students of ISS Garrone School of Barletta, that with innovative visions and know how, they will make aware all the citizens and all the companies around the area about the importance to find answer on environmental matters. The Cultural Association Scartoff wants to be part of this achievement being a strong support in all the development process, to promote the eco-design aspiring to “do more and better with less”, and leading all the students to create different projects. With the technical support of Fabbrica 42, Scartoff’s partner, the goal is to create gadgets and merchandising for companies and to promote digital tools, transforming them in very handful products instead of wasting materials. Next step of the project will be to get aware about this experience all the regional territory as an example of circular economy, improving the quality of life.
- 30 enterprises
- 50 high-school students
Overall achievements
The project has started analysing the Secondary sector (114 companies) all over the Barletta County. 11 partners, that decided to join, have not enough information about the prevention and reduction of the cost of recycling wastage. For this reason, we made a video tutorial to make easier for them all the process. Then, with 36 students we have organised interactive lessons about circular economy and climate changes with the goal to create a consciousness campaign. The students of Graphic class have been involved into the design and creation of awareness campaign, from the graphic presentation to the marketing strategy to use during all the project. On this stage, they made contents and graphic support to launch the contest (120 participants, with 12 winners) “Scatto allo Scarto”,about creative recycling. The formation of Design Class students had as a central topic the eco-design fundamentals, to get them the chance to create 19 eco design gadgets with scraps materials recycled from partner companies. It has been made by the students eco-gadget and created a guide to a responsible consumption and creative recycling. The project donated a pantograph to the IISS Garrone, as a tool for the students to improve their knowledge about the CNC technology. Lastly, all the achievements were collected in a Vademecum, to promote the pilot project on all the regional territory as an example of circular economy in favour of SDG 11,12,13, of the Agenda 2030