Leading agency: AGENZIA INNOVA21
Area(s) of intervention: Province of Monza Brianza
Total budget: € 50.000
NOPLANETB contribution: € 50.000
Duration: 12 months
Starting date: 1st of October 2019

Summary of the project

Project’s aim is to get a stronger awareness of young people (14 – 19 years old) about climate change effects, pointing out the global interdependence of the problem. Moreover, the project wants to empower young people to their important role in reduction of greenhouse gas emission. In this age target (14-19) young people start to be independent: they can make informed choices and they can influence decisions of other people. In the first phase we will create the conditions to enable the participation of young people selecting and involving venues (such as schools, associations, oratories) where there will be the classic training and informal learning. The Second phase will be focused on the organization of COP-Y, a young simulation of the Conference of Parties where the direct experience of young people and their special role as players in the change of behaviour will be very important. In the last phase young people will put into practice their less impacting behaviours and the results will be monitored and shared among participants and communicated
to the local community. This Project will be realized in a local context with an existing strong institutional commitment against climate change. A strong and consolidated network of public and private institutions will support the project. Young people will be active elements in this project and not only targets of the activities.


  • 15 trained tutor
  • 1.350 young people
  • 10 organisations

Overall achievements

During the first phase of the project, the action of InnovA21 focused on building the conditions for carrying out training and information activities for young people. In particular, 7 local institutions have been involved (5 schools, 1 gathering place for young people and 1 city Hall) and 9 Tutors have been identified.
Due to Covid, information and training activities was totally redefined and didactic work was held on-line with almost 500 young engaged (25 classes, 5 schools).
It has been organized 4 online simulations of “the Conference Of the Parties” for 94 young people. InnovA21 has developed a specific calculation sheet for estimation of annual CO2 emission of a single person: this sheet has been used by 80 students during group exercitations.

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