
Leading agency: Legambici
Area(s) of intervention: Milan
Total budget: € 9.679
NOPLANETB contribution: € 9.679
Duration: 6 months
Starting date: 1st of October 2020

Summary of the project

Guidami is a multilingual communication project consisting of integrated tactical wayfinding itineraries to be temporarily installed on existing cycle and pedestrian infrastructures. The idea was born from the opportunity to give better communication support to the infrastructural choices of the Municipality of Milan on sustainable mobility, specifically in the cycle and pedestrian field.
As there is still no integrated tactical and temporary way finding dedicated to sustainable mobility, Guidami offers a first experimental contribution, which is deemed relevant to motivate people and increase the number of users (not only Italian mother tongue) and at the same time collect qualitative data on the use of infrastructures to influence future decisions.
The main objective is to communicate in a different way the values of the sustainable mobility in Milan and to put the basis to spread a new culture of sustainable mobility, by increasing the pedestrian and cycling modal fraction on existing and / or planned infrastructures by the municipal administration through itineraries in integrated tactical wayfinding.


  • 200 people; ca 15.000 citizens

Overall achievements

The main result achieved by this communication project is to have increased awareness of the effects of different modes of transport in the city of Milan, starting from the most common habits: walking, the use of local public transport, cycling and the use of private cars. The multicultural nature of the project (deliverables were translated in 7 languages), partnership with various NGOs and private firms, and the direct contact of the operators on the three city routes (distribution of leaflets) allowed to reach the goals and the expected volume of public. Specifically, the sustainability data (Co2, Kcal) displayed on the 198 signs, attracted the attention of both pedestrians and the press, which gave considerable resonance to the project activities (radio, newspapers, web). The diffusion on social networks of articles from newspapers or bloggers has found further interest, particularly within some Facebook communities, one of which has scored over 550 “Likes”, over 120 shares and over 250 comments, mostly positive.

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