Leading agency: | Cáritas da Ilha Terceira |
Area(s) of intervention: | Terceira-Açores |
Total budget: | € 56.994 |
NOPLANETB contribution: | € 51.295 |
Duration: | 12 months |
Starting date: | 1st of November 2018 |
Contacts: | geral@caritasterceira.org |
Summary of the project
As Nossas Quintas aims to be a reference of the Terceira Island’s primary sector in the promotion, production and consumption of horticultural products in organic production mode, fostering the principle of sustainability while enhancing the importance of natural resources, providing decent work conditions for young people in situations of greater social vulnerability. It intends to raise awareness among children from kindergartens (3 to 6 years) of the municipality of Angra do Heroísmo to the environment and environmental sustainability concerns; promote practical activities in contact with the horticultural production of As Nossas Quintas through the development of a Pedagogical Farm with activities for groups and / or families; to instil good eating habits including vegetables; create and develop domestic and / or community gardens in more disadvantaged places to spread healthy eating habits, environmental sustainability concerns and domestic management knowledge.
As Nossas Quintas is already a social reference in Terceira Island and with the expansion of the actions foreseen in this project, it will allow to reach different target groups with the objective of instilling the principles of environmental sustainability and the consumption of organic products in lower age groups and encouraging the use of the natural resources of an Island with huge potential in this area.
- 100 children
- 200 students
- 20 disadvantaged families
Overall achievements
The project was developed in three components. The first, which the main goal was to promote environmental sustainability through rising awareness about food origin and consumption, was developed through activities at a pedagogical farm with kids. The second component, which the main goal was to develop the creation of domestic gardens, was complete with thirteen families joining the group and led them to the construction of the vegetable gardens in their own field. The third component, which the main goal was to promote the consumption of vegetables and the adoption of healthy habits, was implemented by practical and theory sessions with groups of children and students. The action reached directly 2.239 people, most of them were children.