Auto DraTraining für Engagierte im Klimaschutz – Gemeinsam für globale Nachhaltigkeit im ländlichen Raumft

Leading agency: CAMBIO e.V.
Area(s) of intervention: Saxony
Total budget: € 15.000
NOPLANETB contribution: € 13.000
Duration: 6 months
Starting date: 1st of January 2020

Summary of the project

In the project a 1-week training in Saxony (Germany) for engaged citizens in the area of sustainability and climate protection is organized. During the training topics of de-growth and sufficiency will be discussed. Different actions in rural areas will be planned. With this training we want to raise awareness and critical understanding of global south-north-relationships and the responsibility as a world citizen. The training introduces many options how to get involved in climate protection and natural resource justice. We want to show good examples and motivate to act.


  • 15 multipliers

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