What is NoPlanetB

It is a project funded under the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme, which aims to inform EU citizens about development issues, mobilise greater public support for action against poverty, give citizens tools to engage critically with global development issues, to foster new ideas and change attitudes.

Global Learning

to foster knowledge and competences to engage with development issues, through the use of participatory and experiential education methodologies, either within or outside the formal education system.

Campaigning & Advocacy

where the objective is to support citizen involvement and advocacy for more sustainable policies, political and economic structures and individual practices, in relation to global development.
NOPLANETB: win-win strategies and small actions for big impacts on climate change is a co-funded project by the European Commission, under the DEAR programme
It involves 6 countries: Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Romania and Hungary
The project would like to contribute to the development of knowledge and critical understanding among EU citizens on global interdependence and of a sense of co-responsibility of European society on climate change
Through the engagement of small and medium-sized CSOs active in campaigning and advocacy on environment to promote effective actions for the benefit of European Citizens on climate change and sustainable living

Call for ideas

Are you a small and medium sized Civil Society Organisation and would you like to promote sustainable lifestyles? Starting from April 2018, call for proposals will be launched in each partner countries to select the best ideas under three priority areas:

Make cities and human settlements sustainable (SDG 11)

to enable people to advance socially and economically and to create jobs, prosperity and opportunities for all with access to basic services, energy, housing, transport.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12)

that is about promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and impacts (SDG 13)

through affordable, scalable solutions that are now available to enable countries to leapfrog to cleaner, more resilient economies.

If you want to know more check the country websites

Where No Planet B works

Title Address Description
O Oceano dá bom clima
R. Frei Agostinho da Cruz 32, 2925, Portogallosilvia@ocean-alive.org
Parco Martiri della Libertà Iracheni Vittime del Terrorismo, Via Valtorta, 20127 Milano MI, Italia
Marmocchia Toolkit
Milano MI, Italia
Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli, 22, 20127 Milano MI, Italia
BiG Bike Greco
Via Carlo Conti, 20, 20125 Milano MI, Italia
La bellezza salverà il mondo
Via Fezzan, 11, 20146 Milano MI, Italia
Via Torino, 16, 80142 Napoli NA, Italia
Svolta sostenibile
Via XXIV Maggio, 18, 80028 Grumo Nevano NA, Italia
Il lato C - the C side
Via Terraggio, 17, 20123 Milano MI, Italia
B Corp School Awareness Challenge
Via Andrea Maria Ampère, 61, 20131 Milano MI, Italia
Sensibili al cambiamento
Via Italia, 3, 20847 Albiate MB, Italia
Gamification Garden
Via Gerolamo Cardano, 1, 85025 Zona 167 PZ, ItaliaAssociazione Culturale L’Albero Il progetto utilizza la teoria delle intelligenze multiple che, combinata a tecniche teatrali e di game-based learning, per realizzare una campagna di sensibilizzazione in grado di rafforzare la consapevolezza dei bambini e delle famiglie, sul tema della produzione e del consumo responsabili
Sandalia Sustainability School
sassari italia
Local goals
Via Farini, 52, 00185 Roma RM, Italia
Lombrichi liberi a Quartu
Via del Marghine, 09121 Cagliari CA, Italia
Safari urbano
Via Eugenio Villoresi, 43, 20091 Bresso MI, Italia
Immagina. Corviale verde
Via Volsinio, 21, 00199 Roma RM, Italia
Abitare il verde a Venezia
Dorsoduro, 3434, 30123 Venezia VE, Italia
Non solo un giardino
Via Costante Girardengo, 18, 90146 Palermo PA, Italia
Contrada Annà, 89064 Montebello ionico RC, Italia
Via Cava Aloi SNC, 89134 Reggio Calabria RC, Italia
Afragola città green
Via XXIV Maggio, 10, 80021 Afragola NA, Italia
Via Conte di Carmagnola, 32, 00176 Roma RM, Italia
Usa la bici!
Via dell'Indipendenza, 71Z, 40121 Bologna BO, Italia
Il giardino dei semplici
Via Giovanni Gentile, 66, 70022 Altamura BA, Italia
Danisinni garden
Via Artemisia Gentileschi, 3, 90146 Palermo PA, Italia
Via Quittengo, 41, 10154 Torino TO, Italia
Trénta MI in verde
Via Gian Carlo Passeroni, 6, 20135 Milano MI, Italia
É p’ra Amanhã
R. 1º de Maio 103, 1300-472 Lisboa, Portogallo
Plástico à Vista
R. 1º de Maio 5, 2825-855 Trafaria, Portogalloplasticoavista.eda@gmail.com
100% Local
Av. da Liberdade 101, 8150 São Brás de Alportel, Portogalloestela.silva@in-loco.pt
As Nossas Quintas
Canada dos Folhadais 54, 9700 Angra do Heroísmo, Portogallo
Floresta na Cidade
R. Marquês Sá da Bandeira 74 Andar 1069-076, 1050-165 Lisboa, Portogallopaula.salazar@pefc.pt
ECH2O-AGUA Um instrumento participativo para a avaliação da pegada hídrica e promoção do uso sustentável da água
Av. do Brasil 101, 1700-111 Lisboa, Portogallo
BioNeiva: na corrente do Rio Neiva
R. Foz do Neiva 190, 4740-018, Portogallo
Eco-ambasadorii Reciclării
Strada Rondă 24, București 030167, Romania
Romanul pretuieste mancarea
sc. 1, ap. 35, Calea Crângași 14, București, Romania
B! the CHANGE! Gândește global, Acționează local!
Strada Păcurari 51, Iași, Romania
Marea VOLUNTARIADĂ națională de mediu a școlarilor!
Bulevardul Victoriei 9, Tecuci 805300, Romania
Barrio Organizado para la Transición _BOT
Calle Fray Diego de Cádiz, 24, 41003 Sevilla, Spagna
Cambio climático: Tarea de tod@s
Calle Ronda del Marrubial, s/n, 14071 Córdoba, Spagna
Nuestra agenda para el planeta
c/Sebastián Llano 28 41015 Sevilla
Objetivo Sostenibilidad! Programa de participación infantojuvenil para la ciudadanía global y los ODS para lograr ciudades y asentamientos humanos sostenible (OS!)
Calle Enrique Cano Ortega, 3, 29003 Málaga, Spagna
La Estrategia Burbuja – Huelva en Transición (HenT)
Plaza de los Descubridores, 21005 Huelva, Spagna
Tomando conciencia social sobre el papel de la ciudadanía en el desarrollo sostenible: los Mercaos Sociales del Sur como catalizadores locales de prácticas de consumo y producción sostenibles
Calle Gutiérrez de los Ríos, 10, 14002 Córdoba, Spagna
El Mercado Social de Andalucía: construyendo una red de producción, distribución y consumo bajo criterios de sostenibilidad
Calle Claudio Marcelo, 7, 14002 Córdoba, Spagna
Mujeres migradas como sujetos políticos y la sostenibilidad de la vida en el Barrio Pumarejo
Calle Saavedras, 41003 Sevilla, Spagna
Consume con cabeza, y tu actitud cambiará el planeta
C/ Historiador Díaz del Moral 3-1º-2 14008 Córdoba
Pje. Mallol, 22, 41003 Sevilla, Spagna
Por un Consumo con valores. Somos Consumidores Solidarios ¿Te sumas?
Alameda Cristina, 11403 Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spagna
Biocor Andalucía
CO-6213, 11 C/ Puente Mojardín, nº 19, 14940 Cabra, Córdoba, Spagna
Co-Creating Change – Lab of sustainable development
Augustaanlage 67, 68165 Mannheim, GermaniaSusanne Kammer
Sufficiency strategies for a good life – alternatives for a society beyond growth
weißes Gebäude, Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin, GermaniaKristina Utz
Sufficiency and post-growth in church congregations in rural areas
Rudower Str. 23, 12557 Berlin, GermaniaAnne Römpke
Let‘s do it! Stop brown coal. Start transformation.
Klingenstraße 22, 04229 Leipzig, GermaniaFelix Wittmann
Sufficiency oriented mobility instead of SUVs - Supporting a transformation in the transport sector from a development and resource policy perspective
Gubener Str. 56, 10243 Berlin, GermaniaPeter Fuchs
Change Lab for Political Action and Participation
Oberlandstraße 26-35, 12099 Berlin, GermaniaSeverin Caspari
Sufficiency through permaculture
Kreutzigerstraße 19, 10247 Berlin, GermaniaAnnabella Jakab
We live in a common house - OIKOSZ!
Budapest, a. I, Thököly út 114, 1146 Hungary
Un giardino per Bagheria
90011 Bagheria PA, Italia
Pass it pack, Bro!
Budapest, Pozsonyi út 14, 1137 Hungary
Think smart and act smart!
Budapest, Üllői út 18, 1085 Hungary
Let’s compost together!- in harmony with nature
Budapest, Saru u. 11, 1111 Hungary
Promoting sustainable, soil-renewing horticulture
Gömörszőlős, 3728 Hungary
Greenhouse hunting – Climate protection in the community
Győr, Hungary
Consumer’s cure – Collection of environmental education modules about sustainable consumption
Vác, 2600 Hungary
The Big Plan (in Small Settlements)
Hajdúböszörmény, 4220 Hungary
Domestic Basket – Community Movement Organization
Preparation of a study on landrace old fruits
Túrkeve, 5420 Hungary
One-Planet-Lifestyle with knowledge transer!
Budapest, Hungary
One hundred small steps for a big step
Szeged, Hungary
Green Dot
Pécs, Hungary
Adaptación al cambio climático en el hogar
Cambio Climático en el Poniente Almeriense_ Un acercamiento feminista
Calle Inmaculada, 54, 04700 El Ejido, Almería, Spain
Pequeñas acciones, grandes cambios
Huelva, Spain
Comics por el planeta
Huelva, Spain
Andalusia, Spain
Bioclimatiza tu cole
Seville, Spain
El ecomercado como agente dinamizador frente al cambio climático
Córdoba, Spain
Calle Américo Vespucio, 41092 Sevilla, Spain
Feria de la biodiversidad cultivada
San Jeronimo Park, 41015 Sevilla, Spain
Reciclamos con otro sentido
Cádiz, Spain
11 y 13: diseña futuro
Córdoba, Spain
BEE-TIME: arte para el cambio. Programa de sensibilización y fomento de la apicultura natural como agente cooperante en modelos de restauración ecológica
Cádiz, Spain
Frenemos el cambio climático
14900 Lucena, Córdoba, Spain
Basura Cero Huelva
Huelva, Spain
Hitzacker wird plastikfrei
29456 Hitzacker, Germany
BISS – Bildung für Selbstversorgung und Suffizienz
Everode, Germany
„Genug?! – Performance Projekt zwischen Klimawandel und Wandelklima“
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Postwachstum und Suffizienz als Leitlinien eines sozial- und klimagerechten Strukturwandels im rheinländischen Braunkohlerevier
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Umweltzentren für Suffizienz & Postwachstum -Bildungsmethoden und -formate für den ländlichen Raum
Leipzig, Germany
„Feuer und Flamme“ für Planet A – Künstlerisch-kreative Interventionen für eine zukunftsfähige Entwicklung im ländlichen Raum
Potsdam-Mittelmark, Germany
Parcours des guten Lebens – Entdeckungstouren zu naturnahen Lern- und Inspirationsräumen zur Transformation mentaler Infrastruktur im ländlichen Raum
Escherode, 34355 Staufenberg, Germany
Auto DraTraining für Engagierte im Klimaschutz – Gemeinsam für globale Nachhaltigkeit im ländlichen Raumft
Saxony, Germany
Suffiziente Hochschulen im ländlichen Raum: Beispiele des Gelingens aus Lehre, Betrieb & Campusleben sowie Governance
Oberlandstraße 26-35, 12099 Berlin, Germany
Aalen, Germany
76121 Barletta, Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, Italy
Amico Albero
Cagliari, Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Italy
Forchette verdi e Milano a tavola col pianeta
Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Costruendo Ruralopoli
Brescia, Province of Brescia, Italy
Province of Monza and Brianza, Italy
Chi semina raccoglie
70022 Altamura, Metropolitan City of Bari, Italy
Clima Liquido
Viale Gadio, 20121 Milano MI, Italy
I giardini delle api
Corso Francia, 171, 10139 Torino TO, Italy
ZERO (Zona Ecologica Riuso Oggetti)
Via Alloro, 64, 90133 Palermo PA, Italy
Truc Bandiera
10040 Rivalta di Torino, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy
Il verde intorno a noi
10015 Ivrea, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy
Milano, cartoline da un futuro possibile
Via Sebino, 8, 20137 Milano MI, Italy
Verde Sano e Bello!
Piazza Antonio Meucci, 23, 00146 Roma RM, Italy
Partenope Green
Piazza Cavour, 80137 Napoli NA, Italy
HOTSTOP: giovani contro il cambiamento climatico
Palermo, Province of Palermo, Italy
Knowledge vs climate change
Reggio Calabria, Province of Reggio Calabria, Italy
Escape4Change – Natura urbana
Via Vigone, 7b, 10138 Torino TO, Italy
Made in Carloforte
09014 Carloforte, South Sardinia, Italy
Cagliari Evergreen
Via Ludovico Ariosto, 24, 09129 Cagliari CA, Italy
VIMACT – Ação Climática Vimaranense pela redução da pegada ecológica
Guimaraes, Portugal
Nova vida para o Pejão Velho
Pejão, 4550 Castelo de Paiva, Portugal
ECOVIDA – Roteiro do Consumo Sustentável
6200 Covilha, Portugal
Sambódromo do Mar Profundo
Horta, Portugal
Calendário Plantei.eu
Montemor-o-Novo, 7050, Portugal
FAAZ – Ferramentas Ambientais de A a Z
Palmela, Portugal
Plantar o Futuro
Aveiro, Portugal
Rio Arade: Percurso das Fontes
Silves, Portugal
Usa o teu talêgo
R. São João Nepomuceno, 1250-096 Lisboa, Portugal
Por estes Rios acima – Conhecer para proteger
2500 Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
DACulatra – Diagnóstico participativo e plano de ação para a sustentabilidade ecológica na ilha da Culatra
Faro, Portugal
Changemakers for Good
2970 Sesimbra, Portugal
Bora Ambientar
7300 Portalegre, Portugal
Earth call… I want you to save the planet!
3450 Mortágua, Portugal


Implemented by Fondazione punto.sud, as leading agency, and Asociatia Servicul Apel, AMI – Fundação de Assistência Médica Internacional, Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidaridad Internacional, Finep akademie e.V., Hungarian Baptist Aid

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